Grant Applications 2024

WCW Foundation Grant Applications Are Now Available

The Woman’s Club of Wisconsin Foundation is pleased to announce the opportunity for members to nominate one of their favorite local nonprofits for a 2025 Foundation grant.

As a Club member you may sponsor one nonprofit organization or agency per year. The grant applicant must fill out the application completely and return it, along with all required forms and your signature, no later than 5 PM Friday, September 13, 2024. The maximum grant available is $5,000.

Contact Michelle Willis in the office to obtain the application form and grant process information, which is available in hard copy or electronically: or call 414.276.5170.

We are also seeking Club members to join the Grant Allocation Committee! We welcome all Club members to join this fun and rewarding committee. The work includes conducting a “site visit” with an applicant, as well as presenting a report on your findings at a Grant Review Session to be held in mid-February. Orientation meetings are typically scheduled in late March the Woman's Club gathers grant recipients and members to the annual Foundation Day at the Club’s annual Foundation Day Luncheon.

Contact Amy Domagalski at if you would like additional information.


Grant Application Program

MISSION:  To support philanthropic, educational, and cultural programs and to ensure, through our expanding foundation, that the Woman’s Club of Wisconsin’s historic commitment to community service endures and flourishes.

ORGANIZATION ELIGIBILITY:  To be nominated by a Woman’s Club of Wisconsin member for a Foundation, grant organizations must meet the following criteria:

  • Be recognized as a tax-exempt charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code for a                minimum of the past three years.
  • Located in and provide services to the residents of Milwaukee, Waukesha, Ozaukee, Washington, and/or Racine counties, or be a recognized local chapter of a state or national charity serving this region.  All grant monies must be used to provide services to people who live in these geographic areas.
  • Have an annual operating budget under $5,000,000.
  • Proposals will not be considered for projects/organizations perceived to have purposes/practices which are political, discriminatory, and/or widely controversial.
  • A proposal will not be considered from a religious organization or institution when a project’s impact would be chiefly and principally denominational, i.e., to further the beliefs and tenets of a particular religious denomination.
  • Proposals will be favored which are not primarily financed by public tax funds.
  • No organization shall receive grants beyond three consecutive years. An interim “wait period” of two years qualifies an organization for subsequent consideration. In addition, any organization which received grants in three of the last four years shall be ineligible for the current year.